
Greetings. This is  the personal website of Anand Menon. This is an informal site I've created when I had nothing much to do. There maybe a few broken links as you go, please do bear with me. Now about the various links on the right side.Going on road trips to different parts of US has been a passion for me and my friends, photos of  which you will find in the Places link. The Friends link is a collection of a few of my friends basically from CET. The project link takes you to my final year undergraduate project which was the Optimization of bus routes in the Kerala road transport system.

Family photos is a link to photos of my parents and my house in Trivandrum, Kerala, India. The class icon is the link to my undergraduate class site which is the unofficial site of the Industrial engineering batch of 2002 of the College of Engineering, Trivandrum (CET).

Last is my resume in Adobe pdf format.